Tuesday, June 26, 2007

DAY 1 FINAL - JUNE 25, 2007

Shut down, power off: Reflection on Day 1

Today was very challenging for both students and teachers. There was no set agenda, and materials did not seem to be ready. Frustrations built throughout the day; many teachers felt like we were "spinning our wheels" and were not going to be able to progress with our projects. There was also the "surprise" of having random students assigned to work with you on your project, students you would not see after this week. A lack of leadership was pervasive.

Some problems were understandable: preparation of computers, obtaining permission slips from students, installing software for the gaming. Still, many of these problems were foreseeable; alternate activities to keep students engaged - introductions, team building, scavenger hunts - would have diffused some of the frustration and perceived "down time".

A meeting at the end of the day helped bring teachers and project administrators together to address issues from the day in particular and from the HI FIVES program in general. Dialogue was generally positive; plans were put into place for a concrete agenda and discussion of realistic timelines for project completion. The day ended on a positive, hopeful note.

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