Tuesday, June 26, 2007

DAY 1 MORNING - JUNE 25, 2007

What are your feelings about video games in general? As learning tools?

I do not play video games and have very limited experience with them. I find many video games are excessively violent (Half Life Death Match) and promote unethical behaviors (Grand Theft Auto). Video games often substitute for "actual experience" and are inadequate substitutes for simply experiencing life. Video games feed into the "instant gratification" society, and can work against the concept of building social skills and personal relationships.

Video games can be effective learning tools if they provide appropriate simulated experiences that engage students actively in critical thinking and problem solving. Many video games can provide unique situations on problems that cannot be presented in the traditional classroom. Effective simulations also allow abstract concepts to be explored in definitively concrete ways, allowing students to construct fluid mental models that become tools in future problem solving endeavors.

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