Friday, June 29, 2007

DAY 5 MORNING - JUNE 29, 2007

How has working with this video game impacted your knowledge of science and math?

Working with the video game has allowed me as a science teacher to analyze the content related to atomic theory development as presented in Chemistry and Physical Science. This process has allowed me to focus in on the essential components as included in the Standard Course of Study. Often, as a teacher, it is easy to digress and present material that is "nonessential" as far as curriculum goals and objectives are concerned. Having majored as an undergraduate in Chemistry and Physics, it is easy for me to present too much information on atomic theory development, as I find the topic interesting.

The video game development provides an excellent opportunity to assess the essentials of the topic. Too much information will turn the game into a boring textbook presentation; students will not be interested in such a game. The power of the video game is capturing students' interest and imagination, motivating them to learn the content. This requires a sophisticated understanding of the content, enabling the game developer (teacher) to cut to the heart of the content. This presents a challenge, as teachers become comfortable teaching the same content in the same way year after year. However, only through accepting this challenge and meeting it head on is professional growth possible.

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