Wednesday, June 27, 2007

DAY 3 FINAL - JUNE 27, 2007

Shut down, power off: Reflection on Day 3

The frustrations of Day 1 returned on Day 3. The morning agenda was abandoned, and teachers and students continued to work on their projects. One of my stduens was absent, and another student (assigned to me from another school) was more interested in working with her friends than my project. Pogress was decent in the early morning; my one student (who I will continue to work with after this week) picked up Virtuoso quickly, and was able to set up some good basic structure in my world.

Towards late morning, however, technical issues started to interfere greatly with progress. Students and teachers were being logged off the server repeatedly; Steam accounts were being shut down as multiple people tried to use the same account; "destructive" group editing was frustrating many groups in their game development. Many of these problems continued for the remainder of the day, adding a layer of tension to an already frustrated group.

In the afternoon, agenda items that should have been covered in the morning were presented. Of particular use was working with sounds and Audacity. This proved useful, as students who were unable to work with Virtuoso for various technical reasons could work on the Internet and Audacity for potential sounds to use in the game.

A mixed day overall; somewhat of a step backwards from the positive sense of Day 2.

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