Wednesday, June 27, 2007

DAY 4 FINAL - JUNE 28, 2007

Shut down, power off: Reflection on Day 4

Day 4 was essentially a "working day". Student and teacher groups continued to work on the video games they had begun earlier in the week. The formal agenda was not followed; particular topics were listed for the morning, but not addressed.

Some technical issues again hampered progress: students and teachers getting logged off the server, multiple users attempting to access the same Steam account. Overall, groups seemed to have adapted to the circumstances, making progress as best they could (programming, recording dialogue, searching for sounds on the Internet).

Individual progress was frustrating. One student from my school was absent; another student assigned to work with me showed little interest in my project. The one student present from my school was not as adept at using Virtuoso; he spent the majority of his time working on an assignment devised by another teacher. While this was prodcutive for him in terms of learning the basics of Virtuoso, little was done to advance my game.

I did successfully locate various websites related to the development of atomic theory that I can link in my game. These will become content resources for the player, residing in the "library", and assisting in the navigation of the game world.

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